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Tax Preparation Service in Waukegan, IL — Taxes4Us

Taxes4Us is a highly-reviewed tax preparation office in Waukegan, Illinois. We are a local tax office providing quality preparation services for individuals, families, married couples, and small businesses. Our experienced CPAs and accountants take the time to ensure absolute accuracy and the best return. We provide reliable services and offer personal tax advice to ensure our clients are educated about tax laws that affect them. We are highly rated, certified, and one of the top tax preparation offices in the region.

Reliable Tax Services Since 2012

Since 2012, Taxes4Us has been serving the great people of Waukegan, Illinois by helping educate, inform, and assist with tax preparation services and other tax services. Our goal is to be the middleman between the IRS and hard-working Americans to ensure full compliance, accuracy, and the best refund based on your circumstances, income, expenditures, etc.

Depending on your financial situation, assets, investments, or if you are a small business, taxes can get complicated. We’re here to sort out the complicated tax code and inform you of relevant deductions, exemptions, or credits you may qualify for.

Our main services include:

Tax Preparation Service

Superior Customer Service

Our customer service goes above and beyond. We surpass our competitors because we provide individualized and professional tax services that are tailored to each individual’s circumstances. We like to have a presence in the community we care about and make a difference in people’s lives. You can get your taxes done at a national chain location, but you will likely be disappointed.

Taxes4Us provides one-on-one attention. Our process involves a full interview to ensure you don’t miss out on any tax credits or exemptions. Plus, we know it might be inconvenient to wait several weeks for your return, so we can give you an advance for up to $9,500. Visit or call us today for more information.


developed for high-volume tax businesses.

Learn More About Taxes4Us Software

As tax professionals, we work with original tax preparation software to assist you with the completion of your tax return. If you are a tax preparer, our tax software provides unique features and convenient filing. Test drive the most innovative software in the industry developed for high-volume tax businesses.

What Makes Taxes4Us Software
an Industry Leader?

Our tax software uses intuitiveness, efficiency, and dependability as its operating principles. We have developed the fastest, easiest, and most efficient income tax software created for high-volume tax businesses that specialize in offering quick and accurate tax refunds. If you are a taxpayer searching for fast and efficient software for your tax needs, you are in the right place. We provide top-notch tax software that is packed with features that help tax preparers work fast and efficiently.


The WIP interface provides the most used tools in the software to help you work efficiently, so that you can prepare more tax returns in less time.


This features allows you to edit the return directly on the tax form, giving you the ability to move quickly through the tax preparation process.


Provide your potential clients with a quick estimate of their tax return earning potential and the quickly turn that estimate into a tax return.

Use Technology to Reach More People

Customers today look for speed and convenience. Provide your customers with the convenience of getting their taxes from anywhere in the United States.



The taxpayer downloads your custom mobile app from Google Play or iTunes to their mobile device, clicks the 1040 submission, completes the form, and submits from the comfort of their home or office.



The submitted data goes directly to our secured server, which sends a notification to the tax office location that they have selected on your custom mobile application.



Finally, the tax preparer simply opens the tax software, clicks the Mobile App Utility, enters the taxpayer’s Social Security number, and the tax software automatically transfers the data and documents submitted.

The Industry's Best
Revenue Generating Products

We believe that our success hinges on your success, and that is why everything we provide our clients is tailored to generate the most revenue possible.

The Taxes4Us Software has a proven record of success that has many customers increasing their business every tax season.

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Superior Customer Service

Our customer service goes above and beyond. We surpass our competitors because we provide individualized and professional tax services that are tailored to each individual’s circumstances. We like to have a presence in the community we care about and make a difference in people’s lives. You can get your taxes done at a national chain location, but you will likely be disappointed.

Taxes4Us provides one-on-one attention. Our process involves a full interview to ensure you don’t miss out on any tax credits or exemptions. Plus, we know it might be inconvenient to wait several weeks for your return, so we can give you an advance for up to $9,500. Visit or call us today for more information.